Bad Girls Bible Beauty and Health

Embracing the Dark Feminine: A Journey to Confidence, Self-Love, and Self-Respect

In a world that often celebrates light and positivity, we often neglect the power and beauty found in our darker sides – the aspects of ourselves that we may label as “taboo” or “unacceptable.” However, by embracing what is known as the “dark feminine,” we can unlock a transformative journey towards unparalleled confidence, self-love, and […]

Military Related Travel

Importing Animals to 日本

Importing animals to Japan seems complicated but it really isn’t if you stay on top of it. First whether you are moving overseas or not there are a few things you should ALWAYS do no matter what. You should always use a base vet. I found out the hard way that civilian vets are insanely […]

Beauty and Health Skincare

Beauty Attack

Do you ever wonder why you have acne as an adult? Isn’t it supposed to go away after high school? The answer is no. Acne can literally pop up at any time in your life. However, there are ways to help prevent and treat adult acne. The first thing you need to do is figure […]

College Financial

How to Create Your Resume

For some reason I keep finding people who continue to ask me for help with either a) finding them a job or b) creating a resume for them. Honestly though it is not hard to create a resume. I am going to share the important points to have on your resume along with an example […]

Military Related

Who Offers Military Discount?

One way Dillon and I end up saving money is by using military discount. Wherever we go we always ask if the place offers it, in the end most do. Then the money we end up saving we transfer straight to our savings account. Below are a number of places that I know that offers […]

Health Lifestyle Shop

Pole Fitness

You know there are a lot of things in the world that get a bad reputation all because people do not fully understand something. From Pitbull’s to Bikers to Pole Dancers assumptions are made. Personally, for me I know many people that assume pole dancers are strippers and that is it. I remember when I […]


My Genetics

* You can use the code befeared to buy the FITNESS TEST and get the NUTRITION TEST for FREE! * I have always been a curious one about what my genetics were, especially how they would affect me. Then I came across Dynamic DNA. They test everything from your Skin Genetics to Fitness Genetics and […]

Dogs 101 Shop

Dog 101 – Must Haves

You should all know by now Zero is not just my dog, he is my family. I would do anything for him and I am pretty sure he knows that too, after all I somehow always end up buying him a ton of crap and doing stuff, he does not really need…but oh well. For […]

Military Related

An Insight on Military Eye Insurance

Hey there! I recently noticed that there are many people asking about the military eye insurance. Some of you do not understand the difference of paying for the new insurance and not paying for it. Well I am here to break in down for you as simply as possible. Basically, if you do not buy […]

Grocery List

Laco/Ovo/ Pescovegetarian

Going Laco/Ovo/ Pescovegetarian for the Most Part: In high school I studied Physical Therapy and Health Aide along with that came Nutrition as well. Fast-forward 3 years after high school and I thought I would never be back to studying anything that had to do with the human body after I had a few different […]