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Dog 101 – Must Haves

You should all know by now Zero is not just my dog, he is my family. I would do anything for him and I am pretty sure he knows that too, after all I somehow always end up buying him a ton of crap and doing stuff, he does not really need…but oh well.

For instance, not only are we installing a pool for Dillon and I but Zero is also getting his own pool. There has been talks about installing a fire hydrant or something in the yard too, and an agility course. We shall see where that goes. There is no doubt in my mind that he is spoiled because I know for a fact he is.

After gaining a furry family member over three years ago I have come to realize there are just some things that you need for your furry kid and some things you just do not need but you still end up buying anyways.

One of my favorite things to have is a good collar and a good leash. Sleepy Cotton Co. is one of my favorite brands for leashes. They offer regular leashes and hands-free heavy-duty rope leashes with so many different color options. You can also use the code: rachelo10 for discounts on any of the items!

Core Leash


Hands-Free Leash


Now I have a “Pitbull” so I love to have a good heavy-duty collar for him to wear. But also, at the same time I love to style him. And I mean people are always so scared of my “Pitbull” so I might as well let him dress the part too. I got to have some fun with him. One of my favorite collars comes from Amazon.


Something that I thought everyone would buy when they get a dog is a dog kennel. Apparently they do not though. I think everyone should have a kennel. Mainly because it creates a safe space for dogs. Zero loves his kennel. He goes into it on his own whenever he wants to. Other times when he knows he wasn’t suppose to grab food off the counter or something like that he takes himself straight to the kennel without me evening saying anything. Half the time I do not even know why he is in the kennel but if hes happy in there that is all that matters.

Dog Kennels (All Sizes Available)


Skin care is always important for dogs no matter what the breed is. “Pitbulls” tend to have skin reactions very easily, I know Zero’s skin reacts to certain things. Plus, with him being white and he likes to be outside a lot he can burn easily. Dr. Evan Antin’s Happy Pet products are great for taking care of your furry friend. Not only is there shampoo and conditioner that is offered but also a sun protection spray.

Full Kit




Now I am not a vet, but I have been told dental hygiene plays a role in an animal’s life span. We all want our furry loved ones to live long healthy lives so that means we need to help take care of them. I buy dental sticks, like the large Greenies, at Winco every to weeks. I normally get about 5. That way Zero can have one every few days. Dental sticks are great for helping clean plaque off teeth and prevent more plaque on teeth. Luckily Zero does not mind me playing with his mouth and teeth therefore once a month or so I also scrape his teeth to remove any plaque that has harden on.


Another item that is a must have is paw protection. Originally, I am from Delaware where there is snow. My mom found out fast that my dog does not like the snow when it comes to him having to go potty, however, he does like to play football with Grandpa in their back yard. But now were in sunny California were the asphalt gets super-hot. Either way we needed to make sure Zero’s paws were protected. We invested in a few items. They were socks with grips, weather boots, and paw stickers. No matter what the weather is we know that Zero’s paws won’t get damaged while he plays outside.

All Weather Boots


Dog Grip Socks


Paw Protection Sticker Pads


Lastly, toys are super important. Research your breed, know how smart they really are. I buy heavy duty toys usually from Marshall’s or Amazon for Zero. He tends to tear toys apart easily. But it is okay since most are under $10 anyways. I also buy him interactive puzzle toys that he loves playing with and pool and freezer toys. However, he does not get all these toys at once. I interchange his toys out so they are not the same ones all the time therefore he will not get bored of them. But I will say his football is one of his favorite toys so that one stays out ALL the time… speaking of footballs I have to buy him a new one.



P.S. A few things that are not necessarily must have but I would totally buy no matter what: Dog coat/ Sweater, Car Seat Protector (Black seats and a WHITE dog do not go together), Dog Bed.

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