Financial Military Related Shop

Don’t Be Stupid, Don’t Waste Money

Anyone who knows me personally, and who has went shopping with me before knows that I am very picky on what I spend my money on. I am honestly not sure exactly why…I guess maybe I just want to make sure I get the value out of whatever I buy. I remember as a kid […]

Dogs 101 Shop

Dog 101 – Must Haves

You should all know by now Zero is not just my dog, he is my family. I would do anything for him and I am pretty sure he knows that too, after all I somehow always end up buying him a ton of crap and doing stuff, he does not really need…but oh well. For […]

Military Related

An Insight on Military Eye Insurance

Hey there! I recently noticed that there are many people asking about the military eye insurance. Some of you do not understand the difference of paying for the new insurance and not paying for it. Well I am here to break in down for you as simply as possible. Basically, if you do not buy […]