Dogs 101 Shop

Dog 101 – Must Haves

You should all know by now Zero is not just my dog, he is my family. I would do anything for him and I am pretty sure he knows that too, after all I somehow always end up buying him a ton of crap and doing stuff, he does not really need…but oh well. For […]

Financial Uncategorized

Slaying Your Taxes

Every year I normally file our taxes through TurboTax. After marrying my husband, I ended up using the bases free tax center to file. And why is it that in 2018 I just received my portion of Tax Returns back from my 2015 Tax Season… maybe this year I will finally get back my 2016 Taxes? […]


Deductions for Taxes

I found it shocking that many people did not know there are so many things they can deduct from their taxes. But then again…maybe it is because taxes are not taught in school. Instead we learn how to do taxes when we start to “adult” and have a “real” job.        Below are […]

Military Related Uncategorized

Military Myths Exposed

One of the most annoying things anyone can do to a military family is state things that are just plain out not true in front of them. I hate to break it to all you non-military related people, but YOU GUYS DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT THE MILITARY….AT ALL. You tend to believe every little […]


Brave Crate

A Countdown Deployment Box      So, if any of you saw my story on Instagram, or even the live I did you will see that I shared the October box I received from Becky who owns the Brave Crate. Brave Crates are created for deployments. In a way it is something to take your […]