
My Genetics

* You can use the code befeared to buy the FITNESS TEST and get the NUTRITION TEST for FREE! *

I have always been a curious one about what my genetics were, especially how they would affect me. Then I came across Dynamic DNA. They test everything from your Skin Genetics to Fitness Genetics and other like Nutrition and Ancestry. My kit came fast in the mail and it was super easy to do! Basically, all I had to do was register my kit, swab my cheeks, and then mail it out!

(You can watch the video on YouTube here or on my IGTV here).

Once I mailed my kit back to them it took about three weeks to receive my results back. Before I received my results, I figured there will be something on there that I already know, then others things I didn’t know. And once I got my results it confirmed things, I thought were possible but was not 100% sure on.

The results were simple to receive. All I had to do was log back on to my Dynamic DNA Lab portal and the results were right there waiting for me to click on. Each Category had a tab to click on. So, for me it was Nutrition, Skin, and Fitness. Then under those tabs were about 7 other tabs.

For example, under NUTRITION was introduction, diet, weight loss, metabolic health facts, nutritional needs, food reactions, and eating behaviors.

I have more muscle volume compared to an average person. #muscle #fitness #body

Then under eat sub category is about 5-7 more items that are more specific. Each are rated at a level decreased, increase, or average (and others rated on a grade scale A,B,C,D,F) for example under Nutritional NEEDS there was B12, Folate, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Omega 3 and Omega 6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Copper Levels, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, and lastly Phosphorous.

My Nitric Oxide Metabolism is more enhanced than an average person. #metabolism #body #functions
My genes show that there is a possibility that I have lower Omegas compared to an average person. #nutrition #omega #health #wellness









From there you can click on any of those options and it re directs you to another page with a deeper explanation. So, for another example on the page it showed a decreased level (-F) for FOLATE, which I already knew I lacked this. Once I clicked Folate it explained what Folate is and why it is important. It also explains where Folate comes from. Then it gives you the option for additional reading, and it shows which marker was tested as well.

There are a few tabs that have the same category like “Vitamin B2” but you have to see what it falls under. Vitamins under Skin and Vitamins under Nutrition are related to two different things. One explains about your nutrition need, while the other is talking about what your skin needs.

Over all I loved being able to confirm things I thought, and confirm things doctors have already told me. On top of that I enjoyed reading and learning more about different things about me.

If you want a more detailed explanation about what results are given back, I will add each Category below with the Sub Category. That way you will see that this DNA test is the right fit for you as a result of the large amount of information you receive back!

I burn and loose more body fat by exercising compared to the average person. #health #Exercise #plans




  • Diet
    • Matching Diet Type, Sensitivity to Salt, Mono-saturated Fats, Poly-saturated Fats
  • Weight Loss
    • Loss of Body Fat in Response to Exercise, Metabolic Rate, Obesity, Response to Dieting, Weight Loss/Regain, Best Diet for Weight Loss
  • Metabolic Health Factors
    • Detoxification, Oxidative Stress, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglyceride Levels, Blood Sugar Levels, Iron Levels
  • Nutritional Needs
    • B12, Folate, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Omega 3, Omega 6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Copper Levels, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous
  • Food Reactions
    • Peanut Allergy, Gluten Sensitivity, Lactose Intolerant, Alcohol Flush, Caffeine Metabolism
  • Eating Behaviors
    • Eating Disinhibition, Tendency to Overeat, Satiety, Snacking, Bitter Taste, Umami Taste


  • Introduction
    • Pain Tolerance, Vascular Function, Loss of Body Fat in Response to Exercise, Muscle Strength, Optimum Type of Exercise, Recovery Time
  • Build
    • Blood Pressure, Muscle Growth, Pain Tolerance, Muscle Volume
  • Cardiovascular
    • Aerobic Capacity, Aerobic Exercise Response, Anaerobic Exercise Response, Blood Vessel Formation, Nitric Oxide Metabolism, Vascular Function
  • Metabolic
    • Benefits from Endurance Training, HDL Response to Exercise, Insulin Response to Exercise, Glucose Response to Exercise, Loss of Body Fat in Response to Exercise, Testosterone Levels
  • Perform
    • Motivation to Exercise, Optimum Type of Exercise, Endurance VS Strength
  • Recovery
    • Ligament Strength, Tendinopathy, Osteoarthritis, Achilles Tendinopathy, Injury Risk, Recovery Time, Inflammation, Sleep Duration, Sleep Quality
  • Strength
    • Muscle Strength, Nerve Activity, Muscle and Fat Development, Muscle Growth and Development, Glucose Metabolism Muscle Strength


  • Introduction
    • Cellulite, Antioxidant Response, UV Repair, Acne, Sleep Quality, Vitamin E Deficiency
  • Skin Texture and Elasticity
    • Cellulite, Collagen/Wrinkles/Elasticity, Stretch Marks, Varicose Veins
  • Skin Moisture and Defense
    • Dry Skin, Detoxification, Pollution Defense, Antioxidant Response, Glycation and Accelerated Aging
  • Skin Nutritional Needs
    • Folate Deficiency, Vitamin A Deficiency, Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Vitamin B2 Deficiency, Vitamin B6 Deficiency, Vitamin C Deficiency, Vitamin E Deficiency, Coenzyme Q10
  • Photoaging and Pigmentation
    • UV Damage and Sun Sports, Freckles, Melanin Production and Tanning, UV Repair
  • Skin Inflammation
    • Acne, Sleep Quality, Eczema, Psoriasis

Fun Fact: I didn’t know people can have a fast metabolism, but also at the same time metabolize caffeine slower than normal people. Slow metabolizers of caffeine that drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a significant increased risk of a non-fatal heart attack, while fast metabolizers could drink coffee to reduce heart attacks.


*Subscribe to my blog and YouTube Channel for TWO ADDITIONAL entries into my current giveaway*

Rachel O.

Dynamic DNA

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