Military Related Travel

Importing Animals to 日本

Importing animals to Japan seems complicated but it really isn’t if you stay on top of it. First whether you are moving overseas or not there are a few things you should ALWAYS do no matter what. You should always use a base vet. I found out the hard way that civilian vets are insanely […]

International Military Related Travel

Going to…日本

Surprise, surprise. I never saw this coming but this year I will be packing up the house and going to Japan for a short temporary “vacation”. More specifically to an island off of Japan. I am a little bummed about not going to be on mainland Japan as Tokyo has always been a dream of […]

Dates and Adventures Travel United States

Best Bites in SoCal

I totally will not lie. When it comes to food, I love to try everything, yes even as a pescatarian, even when I am not supposed to eat gluten and milk. Like I said before I still eat meat, it is just really rare at this point. One of the perks of being in California […]