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Pole Fitness
Pole Trick: Brass Monkey

You know there are a lot of things in the world that get a bad reputation all because people do not fully understand something. From Pitbull’s to Bikers to Pole Dancers assumptions are made. Personally, for me I know many people that assume pole dancers are strippers and that is it. I remember when I first started researching about pole dancing years ago that people kept saying “don’t become a stripper” or “you really shouldn’t do that”! All of this was said simply because I was interested in pole dancing. Some of you may remember that time in my life while others of you probably had no idea that I was interested in pole dancing. You see after going to school for Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine I became interested in different types of sports and the muscle groups each sport uses.

In pole dancing you mainly use your upper body muscles. This includes your shoulders, triceps, biceps, and forearms. But you also strengthen your core. Not just your stomach and abs but you have to remember part of your core also involves your lower back muscles therefore those muscles get strengthened as well. I also remember there was a time when I bought prom shoes and my mom called them stripper shoes jokingly because of how high they were. They were a good 6 inches tall with a thick platform. I actually still have them to this day. They were literally the only heels I could walk in. I cannot for the life of me walk in tiny heels. You are probably wondering why I brought up those heels. Well it has to do with the muscles that are used when pole dancing still. When pole dancing you either a) wear heels or b) walk on their soles of their foot or c) some people tend to just stay on their flat foot. However, by using heels and/or walking on your soles it builds up not only your thigh muscle but also your calf muscles. Overall pole dancing not only increases your balance, but also your flexibility, your strength, and your endurance. It also is known to be one of the most athletic, challenging, and strength-based sport that exist. Pole dancing is way more than just a seductive dance. There are many different types of Pole, for example two types are exotic and contemporary. On top of that there are many different reasons as to why people would choose to take on pole dancing. It also can build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Hence this is another reason why so many choose pole fitness. For me personally again I have always been interested in it along with the health and fitness benefits it can provide.

I had the opportunity to take an Intro to Pole class here in Oceanside California at Darkside Fitness and I loved every minute of it. In order to be able to take any other class at Darkside Fitness I had take the Intro to Pole first which I think it great. This specific class is every Friday evening at 6:30 pm or one Monday a month at 10:00 am. After taking this class I then can move on to other classes with approval.

We started the class by warming up for about 15 minutes or so. Then our instructor taught us some basics of pole dancing like terminology, proper ways to use the pole, and issues that may arise. In this specific class we learned a few different moves like a Fireman Spin, Pirouette, Body Wave, and a few others that I can’t remember the names of.

Overall, I loved this class. Mainly because it wasn’t crowded, there was maybe 5 people, but it seemed like the maximum could only be about 10 people. Then on top of that once the class starts the doors to the studio get locked. Therefore no one can barge in during any part of the class. Our instructor also took her time and broke down each move, both describing and showing what to do. If we needed her to show us again all we had to do was ask and she was more than willing to show us again. Then we practiced doing the move a few times ourselves then we moved on to the next new move once we got it. At the end of the class we learned a quick and fun routine. I think the hardest part overall was remembering which leg to use. There were a few times where I would go to do the pirouette but I used the wrong leg which I would realize halfway through it.

Do not be surprised if the next day, or even the next few days your arms are sore. For me personally my arms were a little sore the next few days. However, it was not unbearable. I actually expected this mainly because I do not work out my upper body as much as I should. A month ago, or so I started focusing more on certain sections of my body on certain days, but even with that said I maybe actually focus on my upper body only one day of the week. However, I think that will also change soon once my husband finishes building our gym building and lap pool. I also believe it is possible for some people to experience thigh soreness as well if they are not use to working those muscle groups. As for me I knew I normally focus on my glutes and quadriceps, therefore, my legs did not really bother me too much.

A few things to remember and to take into account. For the Intro to Pole class you can wear any type of workout clothing (leggings, capris etc.). You do not necessarily need heels for the Intro to Pole class. A few girls borrowed heels and others like me choose to just be barefoot. However, I realized as the class went on heels may have been a good option. When you are barefoot it is hard to pivot and turn. The sole of my foot kind of “stuck” to the floor when I tried to turn/pivot, however, even with that being said I was still able to perform the moves. Also do not be me. I forgot about lotions and other products. I knew if I had any product on my hands it would cause me to slip. I totally forgot about this and shaved my legs the morning of and moisturized. Needless to say, it was a bad idea. But the good news is, just wash your hands really well with soap and water (maybe a few times). I had washed mine a few times before I left my house but I apparently did not get all the product off because I still was slipping. Our instructor reminded us we can wash our hands because we might have product on them. She also explained other things we can do to help our grip on the pole. Darkside Fitness also provided “stations” to grab a spray bottle and wipe the pole down anytime you needed to, and at the end of the class to clean the pole we wiped out poles down with alcohol too.

     Darkside Fitness offers a variety of classes. Again, the first one you must take is Intro to Pole. At the end of the class they go over more details about the different classes they offer and other information you may need to know. The following classes you can find on their schedule that I linked below: Ariel Arts, All Levels Pole Tricks, Beginner Exotic Pole, Level 1 Pole Tricks, Level 1 Pole Dance, Spin Flow, Exotic Pole Dance, Contemporary Pole, and Open Pole. Along with that there are other workshops that are available on different dates which are normally announced on their Instagram page.You can also click herethen type in Darkside Fitness (located in Oceanside, CA) to go directly to their class schedule site (you may need to make an account to browse and reserve a class).

*You MUST Make A Reservation to Reserve A Spot in A Class*

Address: 835 S. Coast Hwy Oceanside CA 92054

Phone Number: 760-607-7843


* Darkside Fitness does offer a 10% Military Discount on Select Classes. You can contact them directly for more about their military discount. *

Rates: First Time Pole – $20.00

Membership options are avialble as well!

As for me I am planning on trying to go once a week, or about 3-4 times a month. I will keep you all updated on my journey.



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