Grocery List

Laco/Ovo/ Pescovegetarian

Going Laco/Ovo/ Pescovegetarian for the Most Part:

In high school I studied Physical Therapy and Health Aide along with that came Nutrition as well. Fast-forward 3 years after high school and I thought I would never be back to studying anything that had to do with the human body after I had a few different jobs in the medical field. I just thought it wasn’t right for me. I no longer enjoyed working in the medical field due to the amount of people that did not care about themselves.

Now I have studied nutrition all over again. After refreshing myself about nutrition and the human body both my husband and I decided to become, for the most part, Pescovegetarian. For those who do not know there are different type of vegetarians. I will list them below.

Vegan – True vegetarian, all plant based

Lacto/ovo-vegetarian – allow dairy and eggs in plant-based diet

Pescovegetarian – allows aquatic animal protein

Fruitarians – allow fruits and nuts only

     The problem with going full on vegan is many vegans tend to lack proper doses of vitamins that are essential to the human body. For example, B12 is a major vitamin that comes from animal protein. Along with that are concerns for iron as well as fatty acids from fish. Fruitarians tend to lack the most nutrients which leads to deficiencies.

For the most part I stick with basically only aquatic protein, however, I will eat *some* meat maybe once or twice a week, or when I go out to eat. However, when I go out to eat I usually get seafood, unless its tacos.


As a result of going Pescovegetarian I decided I would share

Novembers grocery list:


Salmon  x2      Eggs x2       Lettuce x2           Apples x20          Rice x1      Salsa x1

Shrimp x1     Almond Milk x5      Tomatoes x4     Lemons x3    Bread x1      Queso x1

Crab x2        Seaweed x1        Onions x2     Limes x2     Vanilla Wafers x2    Corn x2

Scallops x1    Swiss Cheese x2    Sweet Potato x2     Mushrooms x6    Chips x3     Beans x2

Avocados x2       Asparagus x20      Quinoa x1      Zucchini x1    Carrots x1

Some foods we make with ingredients from above are:


Bean Dip     Grilled Zucchini        Tomato Sandwiches         Corn Dip

Different Sushi       Vegan Pulled Pork   Stuffed Tomato’s     Shrimp Kabobs

Spicy Kani Salad     Salmon w/Rice and Asparagus   Scallops w/ Quinoa

Bloomin Onions     Egg Salad    Hard Boiled Eggs   Avocado Toast       Scrambled Eggs

Different Salads                Roasted Veggies         Shrimp Salad


If you would like help with personal training, food and nutrition planning or budgeting feel free to find me on Instagram at and message me!

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