Financial Uncategorized

Slaying Your Taxes

Every year I normally file our taxes through TurboTax. After marrying my husband, I ended up using the bases free tax center to file. And why is it that in 2018 I just received my portion of Tax Returns back from my 2015 Tax Season… maybe this year I will finally get back my 2016 Taxes? […]

Military Related Uncategorized

Military Myths Exposed

One of the most annoying things anyone can do to a military family is state things that are just plain out not true in front of them. I hate to break it to all you non-military related people, but YOU GUYS DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT THE MILITARY….AT ALL. You tend to believe every little […]

Buying a House Military Related Our House

VA Loan for Active Duty

Making a Move Many people often either do not know anything about the VA Loan, or they have questions about the VA loan that they can never find a straight answer to. Here I am about to explain everything I possibly can about the VA Loan to you. Hopefully at the end, it will all […]


Brave Crate

A Countdown Deployment Box      So, if any of you saw my story on Instagram, or even the live I did you will see that I shared the October box I received from Becky who owns the Brave Crate. Brave Crates are created for deployments. In a way it is something to take your […]


K Bar Soap

Squeaky Clean So this week I received a package from the company K Bar Soap. Normally I really hate different organic soaps unless they are from Lush because they usually smell funny. However, I do have to say the soap we received smells absolutely amazing. When I first opened up my package mail box I […]

Military Related

An Insight On Me

Get to Know Me More 19 Facts About Me So some of you know me from bases I have been  at, and most of you probably have never met me before. Which is totally fine! However, I decided for you to know me jut a little better I would give you a few simple facts […]

Military Related

Brace Face

Tricare and Braces! Many spouses who are under the age of 23 can qualify for up to $1,750 to cover braces from Tricare Insurance. If you are above the age of 23 sorry, but you no longer qualify and would have to pay out-of-pocket. However, I do have a cheaper way for those who are […]

Financial Military Related

Life on a Budget for a Military Family:

The Budgeting Life: Ever since I was a child I have always saved my money.  My mom would ask where I got so much money when I wanted to buy something. Well, it came from underneath my bed. I would stuff all my money under it until I absolutely knew what I wanted. I remember […]

Military Related


Luckily it was not a crazy hour in the morning, instead it was mid afternoon. But that does not mean we did not start the day off early, after all we did have a lot of stuff we needed to still get done before he left. My husband is awake. I am half awake but […]