Military Related

An Insight On Me

Get to Know Me More

19 Facts About Me

So some of you know me from bases I have been  at, and most of you probably have never met me before. Which is totally fine! However, I decided for you to know me jut a little better I would give you a few simple facts about me and my life! So here we go:

  1. I started living on my own at the age of 16 1/2ish
  2. I am an actor. If you haven’t seen it yet you should check out Tenet by Christopher Nolan.
  3. I have attended over 11 colleges for multiple degrees from Marine Biology to Physical Therapy to Fine Arts to Business Administration to so many others. I have a lot of knowledge that I will probably never use again.
  4. I am a Christian.
  5. I currently live in California.
  6. I love seafood.
  7. I bought a house in SoCal at the age of 21.
  8. I speak several languages. As a child I became deaf, so I was taught ASL. Then I was taught some Japanese from some girls who stayed with our family from Japan. During Elementary and Middle School, I took Spanish, and in high school and now in College I take Chinese.
  9. I have lived in 3 different states, and two countries but moved 12 times.
  10. I have a scar on my shoulder, and people think it’s a scar from a gunshot. However, I just heal in keloids.IMG_6562.PNG
  11. I can tend to talk fast sometimes, okay maybe a lot.
  12. I love to travel and explore!
  13. I don’t really like soda. I will drink it every now and then. I prefer water, ice tea, or body armor drinks.
  14. I own a Pitbull. His name is Zero. And yes, I am a Pitbull advocate.IMG_6018.jpg
  15. I love marine mammals. One of my favorites is a WhaleShark. I went free diving with juveniles in Mexico.
  16. I get cold easily. However, I snowboard in just a tank top and snow pants. (Fun Fact: found out this is due to a heart/blood condition)
  17. I LOVE the color black. That is how Blvck House Mafia was created. Originally my house became black and the name seemed like a perfect fit. I am serious! My house in California is even Black, and I really do miss it.
  18. I got my first tattoo when I was 17.
  19. I do marketing remotely for the military, as well as acting and I am signed with an international modeling agency.

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