Military Related

Brace Face

Tricare and Braces!

Many spouses who are under the age of 23 can qualify for up to $1,750 to cover braces from Tricare Insurance. If you are above the age of 23 sorry, but you no longer qualify and would have to pay out-of-pocket. However, I do have a cheaper way for those who are 23 and older to get braces then paying $6,000 out of pocket. Stick around and find out how!

Being a Metal Mouth

I was once a metal mouth. My nickname growing up was JAWS. I had braces for what felt like forever, but it was probably only 5 years. My teeth were screwed up bad. At the end of my braces I was told to wear my retainer. After 6 months of wearing it I was told to stop wearing it, and so I did. Little did I know that would affect my teeth even more. My old orthodontist did not do his best with my teeth, and now I am paying the consequences.


Get Quotes


Fast-forward at least 7 years later, my teeth hit one another, I have a narrow mouth, and some teeth have turned a bit. The past three dentist I have been to all said I need to get braces again before my teeth get worse. But really who wants to spend $6,000 on braces. I shopped around trying to find out who was the cheapest to get Invisalign from, because I never wanted metal braces again. Plus, I am 21, what 21-year-old wants to be a metal mouth?

Everywhere I went I was quoted $3,000-$4,000 out-of-pocket, and my dental insurance with Tricare would cover $1,750 Max.


Insurance Coverage

Now keep in mind they only cover up to 50% or a max of $1,750. If your ortho treatment only cost $1,000, they won’t fully cover it, they will only cover $500. If your treatment cost $3,000, they only cover $1,500. If your treatment cost $3,500 they cover $1,750. If your treatment cost $6,000, they still only cover $1,750. Get it? Good.

Once I moved to Cali I continued to shop around for braces and was still given the same quote. I decided to put braces on the back burner for now, and at least go get a cleaning done at a dentist office.

Nina Basti

That is when I found Nina Basti. She is an amazing dentist and is gentle and very kind and so so sweet. She ended up being an Invisalign provider as well. So, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to get a quote while there. She explained to me that my previous orthodontist pulled the wrong teeth out. Due to this mistake my teeth turn inwards (I had like 6 extra teeth prior to braces in my mouth that got pulled as a kid). She then proceeded to recommend an expander first, then to do Invisalign because of how narrow my mouth is now. In the end I agreed to everything she planned!

My Estimate


My expander was roughly only going to cost me $256 out-of-pocket. Originally, I want to say it cost around $600 and she discounted it down to around $400, then the difference between the $400 and $256 the insurance was covering.


My Invisalign is only around $2250 out-of-pocket. It was originally $6,000 and was discounted to $4,000. Then insurance covers $1750.

In the end I figured it was better to pay $2500 roughly then the full amount after I turn 23.

Over 23 Years-Old

BUT don’t let that get you down for those who are over 23 and want to fix their smile! I have good news for you!

If you go on GROUPON, type in your location and search INVISLAIGN it will pop up coupons for around $1,000-$1,800 off sometimes more, and even full cases for the whole total to be around $2,500-$3,000. You just have to shop around a little, sometimes it takes a few days to find a really good deal, but they are out there

My estimate I gave was based on my cases with my dentist. The estimate is roughly what I was given for my personal estimate as I can’t find the paper with the exact amounts. However, I do know those amounts are very, very close to what I am paying.

Where I Am at Personally

*Update, no longer at this point*  –  Right now, I am still on my expander phase. I will be uploading a vlog, and new blog based on just my expander. Once my expander is done I will be doing a blog, and vlog, on my Invisalign. Vlogs will be uploaded at the very end of treatment so you can see the whole progress!



For those who are asking about the Dentist I go to it is: Nina Basti DDS 150 Avenida Del Mar San Clemente CA 92692 Phone #: 949-201-4719 Only open Monday Tuesdays and Thursdays!

*UPDATE! as of 7/10/2019*

I am officially done with my inviaslign and my pallet expander. I actually completed all 14 trays in May. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. I did however rip my invisalign retainer. Because I ripped it with in the first two months of having it I opted to by a regular retainer that was $150 a piece each. Therefore it is $300 total for a top and bottom piece. However in the end I think it is worth to have the metal one instead of the plastic one. I did however keep my plastic ones just as a back up for emergencies.  I will upload a photo of my retainer and a before and after of my teeth once my bottom retainer comes in (my top fits but the bottom was a tight fit due to my mouth shape so it would go in but was really hard to get out, they just have to shave some plastic off and re shape it basically).

*UPDATE!* as of 8/30/2019

Retainer has came in and finally fits! Before and Afters have been uploaded!

*UPDATE* as of 6/2020

I decided to take advantage of the Invisalign warranty and fix a few minor things about my teeth. I am currently doing another 14 trays and then I will be officially done! I will be finishing my Invisalign in Japan but with still be using Nina Basti as my provider. We decided since I already know how to use Invisalign that this was the best option to do and I will be sending her photo updates for her to look at.

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