Military Related

AMC Flights from Seattle, WA

First if you have moved out of your house already make sure you do a change of address. You can either get the card for FREE from your local post office, or if easier, you can pay $1.09 and just do it online (you also receive a bunch of coupons for Amazon, Wayfair, Bed Bath and Beyond and many others when doing it online).

Going through Customs – Internationally Prohibited Items:

  • Aerosols
  • Marijuana
  • Ammunition

Selling your car before moving out of State:

  • Vroom
  • Shift

Hotel’s at SETAC:

  • Holiday Inn
  • Crown Plaza
  • Marriott

Rental Cars:

  • Budget
  • Enterprise

SATO Phone # (866) 576 – 4635 if it is an emergency or leaving within 3 days or (866) 950 – 1640 for all other issues


Arrive during the no earlier no later time. Mine was no earlier than 1:50AM but no later than 3:30AM. I arrived at 2:00AM and did not even get to the counter until 5:00AM. If you are not in the line by 4:05AM they will cut you off and you will not be on the flight.

The first layover stop does have a grass area where you can take you pet to once they are off loaded from the plane.

At my second layover we ended up flying through a typhoon. It was not to great. We did have a lot of unneeded turbulence and we also had to hold air as there was stuff on the runway when we were suppose to land. With that being said though when we did go to land I looked out the window and saw us hovering over the ocean by about 15 ft so I thought we were crash landing into the water. Long story short the runway was literally right off of the ocean.

My flight total was about 15 hours long. Bring a battery pack and entertainment. Our plane did not have charging ports but they did have TV’s. However, all three of our TV’s were broken. We even tried the TV’s in the empty seats next to us and they did not work either.

The food was not too bad. We were given the choice of French Toast or an Omelet for breakfast. With that each option came with a muffin, yogurt, and a fruit cup. Breakfast was served about an hour or so into the flight. Later for dinner we had the options of either Lasagna or Chicken Cordon Bleu, again each option came with broccoli/carrots/cauliflower mix, bread, crackers + butter, green beans, and blueberry cheesecake.

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