Lifestyle Netflix + Chill

6 Shows I’m Watching

In our house we see cable as an added expense. You see we have phone plans with T-Mobile due to the fact they offer military plans. In this plan THEY pay our Netflix account bill, and we have unlimited internet. Meaning we use our personal hotspots for our laptops. I am always busy during the day whether it is working, doing schoolwork, running errands, yard work, or playing with zero. Dillon leaves the house anywhere between 4:30 am and 6:30 am, then he does not get home until around 5:30 pm or 6:30 pm. By the time he comes home we eat dinner together he showers and then we do whatever we want to do together. If you think about it there just is not much time to watch TV in our lives. If we do watch TV it is right before we go to bed and we use our Netflix account. If we do not watch Netflix, we just pull the TV show up on our laptop screen and hook our laptop up to our TV with a HDMI cord. Pretty simple.

There are a few good TV shows that we love to watch. Some of these shows we are all caught up on and waiting for new seasons to release while others we are currently watching.

 • Game of Thrones: Clearly, I had to jump on the train and start watching this HBO series asap. Especially since I only saw bits and pieces of it and I am going to be filming something for GOT and HBO. Like I said I had seen parts and pieces but never full seasons or episodes. I am still binge watching. I am trying to watch all seven seasons before the new season comes out. Right now, I am on Season 4 Episode 2.

 • Lucifer: Surprisingly I loved this series. I am all caught up now and hoping for a new season to appear. *Update* as of 5/8/19 the new season has been uploaded to Netflix!

 • Shameless: Who doesn’t love a Gallagher. I have the latest season to catch up on.

 • The 100: I finished this season and am waiting for the new season to be added onto Netflix! As of 4/22/19 the next season has been added! I will start that once I finally finish GOT.

 • Last Kingdom: Absolutely OBSESSED with this series. Again, I am caught up now and am currently waiting for the new season to be released.

 • Shadow Hunters: Based off of the book Mortal Instruments this series was created after the first book was created into a movie. I definitely like the series more than the movie just because it is more detailed. The new season I believe gets released this May!

Honestly, I think my husband and I are drawn to medieval, Viking, warrior movies because were Irish. We tend to watch a lot of them.

But I need new shows. What are you watching? Anything I am missing out on, because obviously I was missing out on GOT this whole time. Let me know!

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