
Coming to an end 2018

Throughout this year I have noticed and learned many things. 2018 will definitely be a year to remember. So many great things have happened! However, one thing in particular that I did notice was that many people now days are trying to copy others. Whatever happened to being yourself? One thing I was always taught was to always be myself. I do not really understand why anyone would want to copy someone and be like them. It just isn’t who you are.  By copying someone else is falsifying who you are.

The thing is there is no reason as to why you need to pretend to be someone else. In order to be the best you possible, you need to find what works best for you. Not what is best for your friend, so you will try that, or what is best for a famous celebrity, so you will try that and maybe end up like them. YOU NEED TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND BE THE BEST YOU THERE IS.

Just because one person is a blogger does not mean you have to or can be a blogger. Just because someone is an athlete does not mean you have to or even can be an athlete. Just because one-person models does not mean you can be a model too. Everyone is different you cannot be the same. One thing I learned when I started modeling was that to be a model there has to be something unique about you. Every model cannot be the same and every person cannot be a model. Something has to stand out and be different from others. For me it has always been my hair and eyes that people fell in love with some even said it was the attitude and spirit that I carried that matched my physical appearance that made me unique. One specific photographer mentioned to me to think about it this way. To be able to be accepted as a model and to have photographers want you there needs to be a mutation. Something so different from your mother and father and that no one else really has…that photographer told me it was all in my face, hair, and smile….it all just went together.

Therefore, think of it this way. You need to be yourself, you cannot be like everyone else. You cannot achieve what others are achieving because you are not them. You also need to accept that. Again, just because one person has thousands and thousands of followers doesn’t mean you need them. Heck almost a year ago I had a low number of followers. I am still the same person I was a year ago though compared to today, nothing has changed.

My point is imitation, and copying can be flattering *sometimes*, however, it gets to a point when it becomes plain out annoying. Liking a certain style and wanting a certain style is completely different from copying almost everything someone does or chooses to do or write about. Eventually when you copy someone, that person usually finds out but also other people who know you realize you are copying other people too. Soon talking behind your back happens as people bring up to other people that you are being a copycat of so and so. This then leads to trust issues as well when you cannot be yourself.

So ending 2018, end it off the right way. Choose to stop copying others. Start the year 2019 with a fresh start and be who you really are.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken ~ Oscar Wilde

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