International Military Related Travel

The Most Haunted Military Base

Traveling all across the world to military bases you learn about myths and legends that go with each location. At MCT Camp Geiger you have the lady in white. At Parris Island you have another lady but in black. I have met so many people that have shared their ghost stories with me. And with that being said if you know me you know I don’t fuck with the dead but that doesn’t mean I am not interested in it. In LA last year I went to the Magic Castle where we had a séance, ouji board, tarot readings and much more and things got very interesting.

This time I am in Japan. And what Japan has is like no other military base. Here on the island the most haunted place I would have to say is building, or more like house, 2283. This building was once a house back in the 1970’s. It is said to be the most haunted building on base because an Air Force officer murdered his whole family in it. Since then they tried to place other family in the house, however, the following family was paranoid all the time and had a uneasy feeling of unrest up until the point the father stabbed his wife, all the kids, and lastly himself. People who passed by the house would report faucets turning on, children crying, curtains opening, a woman washing her hair in the abandoned sink, unusual laughter has been heard, a glowing around the house itself, a phone is said to ring inside the house even though there is no phone line located in it, and much more. The best sighting to date though has to be the Samurai Warrior that rides his horse through the living room.

Fun Fact: This house was right next to a CDC. The workers there reported the children would throw toys over the fence to the “other” children. I once worked at a CDC, and it was a very rare occurrence that a child would throw a toy over the fence. The CDC’s have about a 6ft fence around each play ground. Yes, the wind would catch balls in the air and take them over the fence, or a child may throw a fit and throw a small toy through the fence…but like I said it was rare.

After the murder of the second family the house was then turned into a storage shed. Workers were sent to tear down the house but they would often report headaches, hallucinations, and there was a high turn round for injuries while on the job. It is said the building was officially torn down in 2009, but in fact it wasn’t, and I have found it.

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